Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction
by Admin
Posted on 14-03-2023 12:12 AM
Since the 1990s, erectile dysfunction (ed) has been recognized as a common problem. Higher rates of reporting, diagnosis, and treatment of ed have been driven by effective treatments, direct to consumer advertising, and screening by health care providers. Back to top.
In a study published in 2016, based on us health insurance claims data, out of 19,833,939 us males aged ≥18 years, only 1,108,842 (5. 6%), were medically diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or on a pde5i prescription (μ age 55. 2 years, σ 11. 2 years). Prevalence of diagnosis or prescription was the highest for age group 60–69 at 11. 5%, lowest for age group 18–29 at 0. 4%, and 2. 1% for 30–39, 5. 7% for 40–49, 10% for 50–59, 11% for 70–79, 4. 6% for 80–89, 0. 9% for ≥90, respectively.
How do doctors diagnose erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ed) affects more than three million men each year. It also is called impotence.
With erectile dysfunction, a man has trouble getting an erection or keeping an erection. Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of another health condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. The condition may be physical or psychological.
In the past, doctors tended to blame erectile dysfunction on psychological problems or, with older men, on the aging process. Medical opinion has changed. While it takes longer to get aroused as you age, regular erectile dysfunction deserves medical attention. Also, the problem isn't usually psychological. Urologists now think physical problems contribute to most long-lasting cases of ed in men over 50. Erectile dysfunction in older men. Erections mainly involve the blood vessels. And the most common causes of ed in older men are conditions that block blood flow to the penis. These include hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ) and diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction (ed) is a common type of male sexual dysfunction. It is when a man has trouble getting or keeping an erection. Ed becomes more common as you get older. But it's not a natural part of aging. Some people have trouble speaking with their doctors about sex. But if you have ed, you should tell your doctor. Ed can be a sign of health problems. It may mean your blood vessels are clogged. It may mean you have nerve damage from diabetes. If you don't see your doctor, these problems will go untreated. Your doctor can offer several new treatments for ed.
Medical and surgical history, sexual history, use of medications and other substances, and an assessment of psychological and relationship health are key components of the patient history. Essential parts of the physical examination include measurement of blood pressure, body mass index, and waist circumference to assess abdominal obesity; a genital examination; and an assessment of male secondary sex characteristics.
Erectile dysfunction can be frustrating to deal with, especially when it prevents you from having a satisfying, fulfilling sex life. However, almost all cases of ed can be treated. Treatment of erectile dysfunction starts with an accurate diagnosis. You can get this by meeting with your primary care provider, by talking to an ed doctor online, or by talking to a specialist in men’s reproductive health, such as a urologist. In many cases, diagnosing erectile dysfunction requires little more than a physical examination, a quick chat about your medical history and a review of your symptoms. Depending on the severity of your ed, your general sexual function and other factors, you may benefit from one of the following treatment options.